
us at Autoforum inform you on the latest with our company.
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more information about the models your interested in.
Plenty more features are included in the Autoforum Insider,
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your car into Autoforum today and get your car professionally
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Us  |
Who We Are ?
Autoforum was established in 1988 by two automotive
marketing professionals with over 40 years of combined
experience in the field of luxury and exotic automobiles
-- over 30 years spent in the sale of fine automobiles;
over 10 years experience in the international exportation
of new and used upscale and exotic automobiles. Autoforum
provides retail service in southern Ontario and export
services worldwide. This experience and knowledge
translates into sales and leasing recommendations
that customers all over the world have come to trust
and benefit from. Experience -- that's what Autoforum
is all about. The name "Autoforum" came
about as a result of the social atmosphere of the
dealership where lively discussion topics naturally
revolve around automobiles. Current and potential
customers drop by regularly to view new arrivals and
to discuss their most recent (or future) acquisitions.
Autoforum has experienced tremendous sales growth
and expansion each year -- sales volume in 1996 alone
exceeded US$15-million. |
We Do ?
Autoforum specializes in the purchase and re marketing of
pre-owned upmarket vehicles, as well as the brokerage of
new and used vehicles -- domestics and imports, particularly
exotics. Although Auto Forum doesn't provide in-house financing,
the company has long-standing relationships with major Fortune-100
financial institutions. A discreet referral to the appropriate
financial institution to service your needs will gladly
be provided.
What We Can Offer You ?
The Autoforum advantage over similar entities is simple
-- a carefully nurtured, long-standing and trusting relationship
with each client, providing them leisurely, unpressured
sales assistance and technical advice. Autoforum has grown
with their customers, who think of Autoforum as their automotive
management team. Autoforum would rather not sell a customer
a car than sell them a bad car, the wrong car, or a car
that's overpriced for current market conditions. Vehicle
service at Autoforum is "product-specific"; due
to the highly diversified nature of both vehicles and clients,
Autoforum uses several associated, off-site service departments
that they feel are best suited to both your needs and the
special needs of your vehicle. Autoforum also has an excellent
relationship with a number of international parts sourcing
What We Believe In ?
Quite simply, the Autoforum staff at all levels is composed
of automobile enthusiasts. Hard working, focused, down to
earth -- and committed to customer service. There are no
"salespeople" at Autoforum. Everyone at Autoforum
has a deep commitment to excellence -- and that means honesty,
sincerity, knowledge. And in the end, value for your money.
Autoforum is a reflection of its customers: astute individuals
who know and understand the value of a good car, are loyal,
and appreciate the meticulous care and attention they receive
during every phase of their Autoforum relationship. The
Autoforum experience -- it's a long term relationship with
a group of dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who share
an identical belief system in the specialized needs and
requirements of the customer's prized automotive investment.